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The Art, Literature and Music of Solitude Julian Stern

This book presents a thematic analysis of various aspects of solitude, silence and loneliness, from the ancient world to the present day, explored thematically with consideration to the links between aloneness to other social and political issues. 

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The Bloomsbury Handbook of Solitude, Silence and Loneliness

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur.

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Publications by ISRS members

  • Perrin, C (2021) Solus ipse. Phénoménologie de la solitude, Paris, Hermann, coll. “De visu”, 2021
  • Stern, L J and Buchanan, M T (2020) RE Leader Connectedness: A Theology of the Lived Reality of Catholic Education, Journal of Beliefs and Values42:3, pp 378-392.
  • Perrin, C (2020) Sartre et la solitude des hommes: À propos d’un mot du Diable et le bon dieu, Journal of Philosophical Investigations, 2020, vol. 14, n° 32, pp. 196-222
  • Perrin, C (2020) Some Notes on the Phenomenon of Solitude, Paedagogia Christiana, 2020, 45/1, pp. 11-2
  • Bao, D. (2020). Silence, talk, and in-betweens: East-Asian students’ responses to task challenge in an Australian university. In Jim King & Harumi Seiko (Eds). East-Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 17-36.
  • Cleveland, R. E. (2020). Aware I am alone: Intersections of solitude and mindfulness. Pedagogia Christiana, 45 (1), 37-52.
  • Henrieta Șerban, Loneliness and Marginalization: Socio-Political Indicators of the Quality of Our Togetherness, Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, vol. XVII, nr. 1, 2020, p 17-30.
  • George-Levi, S., Schmidt-Barad, T., Natan, I., & Margalit, M. (2020) (in press). Sense of coherence and burnout among school psychologists: The moderating role of lonelinessCurrent Psychology.
  • Piotr Domeracki P (2020)Three Rival Versions of a Correlation Between Solitude and Communitiveness in a Monoseological Discourse, Paedagogia Christiana.
  • Stern, L J and Wałejko , M J (2020) Solitude and Self-Realization in Education,  Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54:1, pp. 107-123.
  • Bao, D. (2020). Exploring How Silence Communicates. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(1), 1-13.
  • Bao, D. & Thanh-My, N. (2020). How silence facilitates verbal participation. The English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 3(3), pp. 188-197.
  • Bao, D. & Ye, Y. (2020). Investigating learner silent and verbal response to tasks. International Journal of Teaching and Education Vol 4(1), pp.61-72
  • Stern L J, Wałejko M ​​(eds.), (2020) Paedagogia Christiana: Being Alone Together in Education, 1/45
  • Olga Szynkaruk, 2020, The Exile’s Lament. Solitude and Togetherness in Ovid’s Later Works, in: Paedagogia Christiana 1/45(2020), doi:
  • Wrońska K, (2020) The Praise of Self-Instruction in the 21st Century – against a Background of Selected Concepts of Self-Education in Poland during the Partitions and Interwar Period, Paedagogia Christiana 1/45.
  • Simpson G, (2020) In Community, Alone, in Community: Towards an Understanding of Christian Faith for the Post-Enlightenment, Post-Evangelical, Post-1960s Revolution Generation, Paedagogia Christiana, 45:1.
  • Magdalena Leszko, Rafał Iwański , Beata Bugajska, (2020) Prisoners of Care: The Experience of Loneliness between Caregivers of Individuals of Alzheimer’s Disease , Paedagogia Christiana, [Sl], t. 45, n. 1, p. 171-184, maj. 2020. ISSN 2451-1951.
  • Bao, D. (2019). The place of silence in second language acquisition. English Language Teaching and Research Journal (ELTAR-J) Vol 1 (1), August 2019, pp. 26-42.
  • Feldman, D. B., Einav, M., & Margalit, M. (2018) Does Family Cohesion Predict Children’s Effort? The Mediating Roles of Sense of Coherence, Hope, and Loneliness. The Journal of Psychology, 152(5), p1-14.
  • Domeracki, P (2018) Horizons and Perspectives of Monoseology. A Philosophical Study of Loneliness, Scientific Publishing House of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń,
  • Stern, L J (2018) Loneliness in Education: The Agony and the Enstasy, in Sagan, O and Miller, E D (eds.) (2018) Narratives of Loneliness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from the 21st Century [Explorations in Mental Health]; London: Routledge, chapter 10, p. 113-123.
  • Stern, L J (2018) Missing Solitude: Macmurray, Buber and the Edges of Personalism, in Castriota, A and Smith, S (eds.) (2018) Looking at the Sun: New Writings in Modern Personalism; Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, p. 157-172.
  • Stern, L J (2017) Can I Tell You About Loneliness?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals; London: Jessica Kingsley ( ).
  • Dubas, E (2017) Samotność Innego – kontekst biograficzny i edukacyjny [The Aloneness of the Other – the Biographical and Educational Context] in: Obcy/Inny wśród swoich. Wychowawczy wymiar Biografii, eds. R. Skrzyniarz, Wydawnictwo Episteme, Lublin, pp17-31.
  • Bao, D. & Le Ha, P. (2017). Silence as literacy and silence as mobility. In Nichols, S. & Snowden, C. (Eds.), Languages and Literacies as Mobile and Placed Resources. Cornwall: Routledge, 170-184 DOI:
  • Stern, L J (2016) Solitude and Spirituality in Schooling: The Alternative at the Heart of the School, in Lees, H E and Noddings, N (eds.)  The Palgrave International Handbook of Alternative Education; Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, chapter 28, p 431-445.
  • Al-Yagon, M. (2016) Perceived close relationships with parents, teachers, and peers: Predictors of social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in adolescents with LD or comorbid LD and ADHD. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(6), 597-615. doi:10.1177/0022219415620569
  • Wałejko, M (2016) Osobno i razem. Personalistyczne wychowanie do samotności i wspólnoty [Separately and together. Personalistic education towards solitude and community], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin 2016, pp. 357..
  • Domeracki, P (2016) The Crossroads of Loneliness. A Philosophical Study , Publishing house „NOMOS”,
  • Stern, L J, Grant, T and Ward, P (2015) How Solitude Will Bring Us All Together,  Professional REflection: The Journal of NATRE, 33: 1 , p 54-57.
  • Bao, D. (2015). The Japanese perception of silence in the Australian educational context. In Hongzhi Zhang, Philip Wing Keung Chan and Jane Kenway (Eds.), Asia as Method in Education Studies: A Defiant Research Imagination. Abingdon Oxon: Routledge: 50-65.
  • Bao, D. (2014). Understanding Silence and Reticence: Nonverbal participation in Second Language Acquisition. London & New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Bao, D. (2014). What happened in silence? Australian university students learning foreign languages. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 2(2), pp. 99-116.
  • Al-Yagon, M. (2014) Child-mother and child-father attachment security: Links to internalizing adjustment among children with learning disabilities. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 45(1), 119-131 DOI 10.1007/s10578-013-0383-9
  • Stern, L J (2014) Loneliness and Solitude in Education: How to Value Individuality and Create an Enstatic School; Oxford: Peter Lang ( ).
  • Stern, L J (2014) Teaching Solitude: Sustainability and the Self, Community and Nature While Alone, Educational Research Journal, 28:1&2, pp. 163-181.
  • Bao, D. (2013). Voices of the Reticent? Getting inside views of Vietnamese secondary students on learning. In Jin, L. and Cortazzi, M. (Eds.), Researching Cultures of Learning, International Perspectives on Language Learning and Education. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan: 136-154.
  • Stern, L J (2013) Loneliness, Solitude and Inclusion for Leaders, chapter 7 in Buchanan, M T (ed.) (2013) Leadership and Religious Schools: International Perspectives and Challenges; New York: Bloomsbury, p. 109–126.
  • Margalit, M. (2012) Lonely children and adolescents: Self perceptions, social exclusion and hope. Springer. NY
  • Al-Yagon, M. (2012). Adolescents with learning disabilities: Socioemotional and behavioral functioning and attachment relationships with fathers, mothers, and teachers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(10), 1294–1311. DOI 10.1007/s10964-012-9767-6
  • Perrin, C (2011) L’Einsamkeit comme Grundbegriff. D’une idée fragmentée chez Heidegger, PhænEx, 2011, vol. 6, n° 2, pp. 71-108
  • Perrin, C (2011) Pænser la solitude, PhænEx, 2011, vol. 6, n° 2, pp. i-iii
  • Perrin, C (2011) Le mystère de solitude, dans Sylvain Camilleri et Christophe Perrin (éds.), Épreuves de la vie et souffrance d’existence. Regards phénoménologiques, Argenteuil, Le Cercle herméneutique, coll. “Phéno”, 2011, pp. 59-79
  • Perrin, C (2009) Le solipsisme : anatomie d’un scandale, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 2009,  vol. 93, n° 4, pp. 779-798
  • Perrin, C (2009) Levinas et l’autre solitude, Philosophie, 2009, n° 102, pp. 45-62
  • Perrin, C (2009) La solitude, d’après et après Pétrarque », Les cahiers philosophiques, 2009, n° 118, pp. 59-74
  • Dubas, E (2007) Sztuka i samotność. Przyczynek do monoseologii pedagogicznej [Art and Alonenessc Contribution to pedagogical monoseology] in: Samotność oswojona przez sztukę [Loneliness Inflused by Art] ed. M. Zalęska-Pawlak, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź pp.163-184.
  • Bao, D. (2007). Enhancing the Language Learning Process for Reticent Learners of Vietnamese and of English in Vietnam. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.), Studies of First and Other Language Acquisition. New York & London: Continuum: 205-224.
  • Bao, D. (2007). Towards Remedying Classroom Reticence and Increasing Verbal Participation: An Empirical Perspective. The Philippine Journal for Language Teaching, XLVI, December 2007. Quezon: The Philippine Association for Language Teaching, 45-55.
  • Bao, D. (2001). The Cultural Aspects of Communication Reluctance in the EFL Classroom: The Case of Vietnamese Students. The English Teacher – An International Journal, 4(3). Bangkok: Assumption University Press: 232–42.
  • Dubas, E (2000) Edukacja dorosłych w sytuacji samotności i osamotnienia [Adult Education in a Sitiuation of Solitude and Loneliness] Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź pp.507.